Recruit small-group leaders.
Small-group leaders establish the energy and tone of the retreat and have a major influence on its success. Students will meet in pre-assigned small groups for discussion three times during the retreat. Each discussion is facilitated by a small-group leader and allows students to talk about the messages of the day. We ask that small-group leaders arrive at the retreat ready to be present, engaged and committed to helping make the day a positive, meaningful experience for all.
Small-group leaders may be local community members, parents or high school students in the 11th grade or above. Successful high school leaders are positive role models and demonstrate leadership potential in and/or outside of the classroom. We suggest reaching out to high school teachers, counselors and coaches for leader recommendations and sharing the opportunity with your local high school’s student leadership and volunteer groups (e.g. Student Council, Link Crew, Key Club, etc.). There should be a gender balance and the diversity of the leaders should be similar to that of the students.
Youth Frontiers recommends one leader for every six students. There should be no more than eight students per leader. Our Programs Staff reserve the right, per our contract, to shorten or reschedule a retreat if there are not enough leaders/chaperones present.
Here’s a helpful handout to give to potential small-group leaders and a promotional poster to put around your local high school.
Ensure you’ve submitted your Priority One (P1) Form.
Fill it out now! Our Programs Client Relations Coordinator will reach out to you at this time if we have not yet received your P1.