The Character Movement

2016 YCorps

Mission in Motion

By Sarah Barchus, Youth Frontiers’ Communications Specialist

Well, it’s go time, folks! (And no, I don’t mean that as a rally cry for a screen-facilitated scavenger hunt of the Pokémon persuasion.) The clock’s hands have wiped the summery days’ sleep from its face, and now they usher us into the new school year.

At Youth Frontiers, we’ve kept our hands busy preparing for the new school year. As the weather cools, our work heats up, and we could not be more excited to put our mission in motion with the momentum of the fall.

As you get your kids, your classroom or your school ready for the back-to-school rush, our staff has been gearing up for a great year. We’ve designed new swag for our small-group leaders, we’ve added another van to our fleet, and our amazing musicians are making a YF album so you’ll be able to carry their messages of kindness, courage and respect with you beyond the retreat. We’ve also welcomed our fantastic new YCorps members (pictured above) who will help us facilitate more that 840 retreats this year.

We are thrilled that you continue to partner with us to build community and inspire character. We want to strengthen these connections to sustain our mission in motion. To this end, we want to highlight two great upcoming opportunities to experience YF outside of the retreat setting.

Educators, mark your calendars for the Teacher Concert on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Metropolitan Ballroom in Minneapolis, Minn. Come and enjoy brunch and the musical stylings of YF musicians in celebration of your devoted work with students.

We are also excited to announce that we will be launching our Alumni Association in early 2017! The Youth Frontiers Alumni Association (YFAA) is designed to help graduating students and rising seniors keep Youth Frontiers’ mission of building character and community in motion as they navigate decisions about college, career and beyond. YFAA will provide opportunities for students to connect more deeply with YF and with mission-motivated professionals to prepare them for their lives after high school. Watch for more information, coming soon!

Welcome back, and thank you for asking us back. We at YF can’t wait to kick our mission into motion with you this year.

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