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We're quite the bloggers

Put a Little Guilt Back in the Game

Youth Frontiers challenges young people on our retreats to reflect on their attitudes and behaviors toward themselves and others. We ask them if their behaviors live up to the values they hold in their hearts. We will say to students, “If you are making fun of someone and you don’t feel guilty about it, there is something wrong.” You should feel guilty. A sense of healthy guilt serves a purpose. It acts as a moral compass to guide one’s behavior.READ MORE

My Journey to Respect and Love

This blog post was written by Patty Beadle, School Relations Manager for Youth Frontiers. Patty has three grown children. In addition to working for YF, Patty is currently in grad school at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.READ MORE

Life is Hard

A few years ago, a father shared this story with me:

“My son set a goal of making the varsity soccer team as a sophomore. He worked with a personal trainer, went to all of the captain’s practices and worked out on his own.READ MORE

One-Minute Reflection

At Youth Frontiers, we teach values unapologetically. We take one school day to get kids to step back, reflect and see themselves, their classmates and their school differently. We etch character on kids’ hearts. And they’re hungry for the message – for someone to say, “Be good!” They are hungry for guiding values to make their world a better place. READ MORE

Expert Parenting?

Guest blog written by Pete Larson

Seven-year-old John sat in the back of his parents’ minivan and heard his name mentioned again and again from the front. John’s mom and dad were discussing their parenting techniques as they drove.


Technology Sabbath

By Joe Cavanaugh, Founder & CEO

Today’s the first day of spring. A month ago, those of us living in Minnesota wondered if our frigid winter would ever stop. Soon, warmer weather and sunshine will draw people out of their homes and my neighborhood will suddenly seem busier. With the opportunity to be outside more this spring, it can be a good time to unplug, head outside and smell the tulips.READ MORE