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Quiet Courage

This post was written by Sally Koering, Youth Frontiers Experiences Manager. Sally is married with three young children and lives in the Twin Cities area. Sally has been at Youth Frontiers for the past 13 years. Along with her work at YF, she also has her own consulting business doing creative consulting and presentation coaching. You can find her at MORE

The TV Battle

Game shows, comedies, soap operas, reality television, etc. The list goes on forever. Television is an escape from our own reality. It allows us to peek into lives of other individuals – whether they are true or not. However, it can often be difficult to set parameters on the amount of TV consumed and determine what is inappropriate. Have you experienced the epic battles of “On vs. Off” and “What’s Appropriate vs. No Way You’re Watching That?” It’s a struggle in our home. READ MORE

Rome is Burning

According to legend, the emperor Nero played his fiddle as the city of Rome burned. Nero’s infamous behavior made his name synonymous with uncaring apathy. We need look no further than the news to recognize that we are watching as Rome burns. Violence in our schools is a sobering reminder that our children’s safety is at risk even in places that are supposed to be safe. And yet, hearing the news of another school shooting is becoming far too commonplace.

Our Children’s Friends

Often parents ask me what to do when they don’t approve of their children’s friends. As someone who’s worked with kids his entire life, I feel this one deep down. Whenever I’m at a school, I see with crystal clear vision the selfish, manipulative, petty and, at times, outright cruel exchanges that happen between kids. As an adult, it’s so easy to see which children are “good” and which ones are “bad influences.”READ MORE